CrossMath IQ Puzzles

Here you find our selection of printable Cross Math puzzles for kids and math students. Improve your math and operation skills by playing and solving our math brain puzzles.

MathCross math puzzles are great for boosting your math and IQ skills. The rules are quite simple: fill in the numbers 1 to 9, or 1 to 16, to make all horizontal and vertical equations true.

Our CrossMath puzzles come in 2 grid sizes and 3 difficulty levels. Teachers and math learners can start with the easier 3 by 3 puzzles and and then work your way to the more challenging puzzles. In the 'What Operator?' puzzles we have printed all digits, but omitted the operators. Your task to solve this logic puzzle by filling in all operators.

Adding math puzzles to your math classes and education has proven to be very effective in increasing engagement and to boost your math skills. Feel free to download and print our CrossMath puzzles made for kids and math students.

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