Grade 4 Shapes & Geometry
Here you find our other 4th grade worksheets. Our math exercises are based on the Singapore math curriculum.

How many Sides? - Name Shapes and count Sides
How many Sides? - Name Shapes and count Sides
Which Polygons? - Pentagon, Hexagon and Octagon
Name Polygons - Regular and Irregular
Quadrilaterals? - Count sides
Triangle Types - Scalene, Isosceles, Equilateral
Triangle Types - Scalene, Isosceles, Equilateral

Lines and Points
Lines and Symbols - Draw Lines and Points
Parallel Lines - Draw Lines (Use Protractor)
Parallel Lines - Draw Lines (Use Protractor)
Perpendicular - Draw Lines (Use Protractor)
Perpendicular - Draw Lines (Use Protractor)

Drawing/Measuring Angles
Protractor Scale - Do you need the Inner or Outer Scale?
Acute Angles - Measure the Acute Angles geometry
Reflex Angles - Measure the Reflex Angles
Obtuse Angles - Measure the Obtuse Angles
Measuring Angles - Use the Protractor to measure these Angles
Drawing Angles - Draw the missing Arms
Drawing Angles - Draw the missing Arms

Angle Properties
Angle Properties - Angles, types and vertices
Acute or Obtuse - Are these Angles Acute or Obtuse?
Types of Angles - Acute, Obtuse or Right
Types of Angles - Acute, Obtuse or Right
Obtuse or Reflex? - Are these Angles Obtuse or Reflex?

8 Point Compass
Compass Directions - All Ordinal and Cardinal Points
Compass Opposites - Opposites of Ordinal and Cardinal Points
Letter Directions - Which Compass directions?
Letter Directions - Which Compass directions?
Locate Animals - Where are the animals located?
Locate Objects - Where are Objects located?

Symmetry Shapes - Color the Symmetric shapes.
Creating Symmetry - Complete symmetry
Symmetry Lines - Draw the lines of Symmetry in Shapes
Symmetric? - Are these shapes symmetric?
Creating Symmetry - Copy Symmetric Shapes
Creating Symmetry - Copy Symmetric Shapes
Reflect Shapes - Reflect groups of Objects

Tessellate? - Is tessellation possible?
Tessellate? - Yes or No
Small Grids - Patterns with a Compound Shape and a Triangle
Small Grids - Patterns with Rectangles and Hexagons
Cross and Triangle - 2 Tessellation Grids
Big Grid - Pattern with Irregular Hexagons
Compound Shape - Big Grid
Compound Shape - Big Grid
2 Shapes - Tessellate 2 Compound Shapes
3 Shapes - Tessellate 3 Compound Shapes

All our Grade 4 Math Topics

Our 4th grade math worksheets are free and printable in PDF format. Based on the Singaporean math curriculum, these worksheets are made for students in grade level 4. The fourth grade math sheets cover whole numbers and rounding off, addition and subtraction,division and long division, multiplication, estimation, fractions, decimals, mixed operations, geometry, factors and multiples, area and perimeter, graphing and data analysis, measurement of length, mass, volume and time.

Our worksheets per Grade Level

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