Space Pig Math
Space Pig Math is an action video game for practicing your times tables - up to 12x12

A totally satisfying and addictive multiplication game with visceral feedback and retro-inspired visuals and sounds. Blast through waves of asteroids and aliens to save Space Pig's Friends - they in turn will give you awesome powerups to help you out!  

This game was crafted with love, by a game-industry veteran (and dad). The goal was to create something fun and compelling, that also has real educational value. Knowing your times tables is core to tackling further math with confidence, and in this age of technological marvels, practicing them should be fun!

The game is available on iOS and Android devices, and is free to download. You can try the first two levels, and there is a single in-app purchase to unlock the rest of the game. Alternatively, there is the "School Edition", which is exactly the same game, and is just a simple paid app, to make it easier to be used in schools.

The game has no ads, no subscriptions, and you only need a wifi connection when making the purchase.

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