Teach Mathematical concepts in a way your students will ENJOY, UNDERSTAND and RETAIN.

I-SEE-MATH is an educational internet site with interactive math APPS, covering all basic math topics, making every lesson more effective, dynamic and fun, for the students as well as the teachers.  

The site, and the methodology behind it, were developed by high achievement educators and acclaimed educational games developers, in an attempt to promote mathematical understanding, as well as make this crucial, and often dreaded subject, a pleasant and productive experience.

The various Apps make every lesson more effective, dynamic and fun, for the students as well as the teachers. Each app is easy to use in class and leads students to a deeper understanding of the learning material. Teachers can create their own lessons and save them in the cloud.

I-SEE-MATH is a great companion to any math textbook.

I-SEE-MATH is widely used in Israel (implemented in more than 70% of the schools).

All that is needed in the classroom is a computer connected to the internet and a projector/ Screen. For remote learning the teacher may share the visualizations via any screen sharing service.

The website is highly appreciated by teachers and students utilizing it. Some teachers went as far as claiming 'I do not understand how I taught math before I-SEE-MATH!'. During the Covid-19 imposed remote learning semesters of 2020-2021, many teachers reported that I-SEE-MATH 'saved them' and allowed math learning progress to continue on track.

Visit our site, www.iseemath.co and check out our APPS and tutorials.

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Contact us at: contact@mathinenglish.com