Questions and Suggestions

We make loads of math materials, worksheets, puzzles, workbooks, collect math videos and games and use them in our classrooms. Some of our materials are highly appreciated and praised. Please let us know what your feel about our material: complaints are more than welcome as it enables us to improve our math stuff!

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Every day we receive many thousands of visitors on our website interested in math and education in general. 75% of our visitors come from the USA, UK, Australia or Canada and most of them come through specific math search queries.

If you would like to position your product, school, brand or online service, we would like to inform you that we can offer prime positions on our pages. We have place for advertisements that are in the interest of our target groups: primary math students, their parents and their educators.

If you are interested in advertising on our site, and your product is in line with our content, please don't hesitate to contact us by email.

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