On this page you find our selection of math worksheets covering length, height, and distance. Teh sections are divided in comparing length worksheets, measuring lengths, operations with units of length worksheets, imperial and metric lengths worksheets, conversion of units worksheets, conversion of imperial and metric units, worksheets with distance and map problems and worksheets with word problems.

Our length and height worksheets are suited for math grade levels 1 to 6 and are printable and free to use.

Our length and distance worksheets for math grades 1 to 6 cover: comparing lengths and heights of objects worksheets, measuring lengths with rulers worksheets, operations with units of length worksheets, conversion of metric units, conversion of imperial units of length, conversion of metric in imperial units worksheets, distance and maps worksheets, length measurement word problems.

Our worksheets with Square Roots are based on the following Singaporean Curriculum math topics:

  • Comparison of lengths in non-standard units
  • Long, longer, longes, short, shorter, shortest
  • Tall, taller, tallest, high, higher, highest
  • Estimation of length and distance
  • Using standard units of length
  • Drawing object given their lengths
  • Using compound units of length
  • Conversion of units
  • Solving word problems related to length and distance
  • Conversion of metric and imperial units
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