Grade 6 Percents
Here you find our other 6th grade worksheets. Our math exercises are based on the Singapore math curriculum.

Calculate Percentage (with Rounding)
Whole Numbers - Percentage of Whole Numbers
Whole Numbers - Percentage of Whole Numbers
Whole Numbers - Percentage of Whole Numbers
Comparing Percents - Find the Percentage and Compare
Comparing Percents - Find the Percentage and compare
Comparing Percents - Find the Percentage and compare
Fraction Method - Calculate by using Fraction Method
Fraction Method - Calculate by using Fraction Method
Practical Units - Calculate Percentage of real Units
Practical Units - Calculate Percentage of real Units
Practical Units - Calculate Percentage of real Units
Word Problems - Calculate Percentage Problems
Word Problems - Calculate Percentage Problems

What Percent? (with Rounding)
Whole Percents - Calculate the Percent Numbers
Whole Percents - Calculate the Percent Numbers
Whole Percents - Calculate the Percent Numbers
Real Life Units - Calculate percents of Units?
Real Life Units - Calculate percents of Units?
Real Life Units - Calculate percents of Units?
Money Units - Calculate percents of money Units?
Money Units - Calculate percents of money Units?
Money Units - Calculate percents of money Units?

Original Amount (with Rounding)
Original Numbers - Calculate the Original Amount
Original Numbers - Calculate the Original Amount
Original Numbers - Calculate the Original Amount
Original Metric Units - Find the original Unit amount?
Original Metric Units - Find the original Unit amount?
Original Money Units - Find the original Money Unit?
Oiriginal Money Units - Find the original Money Unit?
Original Time Units - Find the original Time Unit?
Original Time Units - Find the original Time Unit?

Percents of Fractions
Fraction Percentage - Calculate the Percentages
Fraction Percentage - Calculate the Percentages
Fraction Percentage - Calculate the Percentages
What Percent? - What Percent of Fraction?
What Percent? - What Percent of Fraction?
What Percent? - What Percent of Fraction?
Original Fraction - What is Original Fraction?
Original Fraction - What is Original Fraction?
Original Fraction - What is Original Fraction?
Missing Numerators - Find Original Fractions
Missing Numerators - Find Original Fractions
Missing Denominators - Find Original Fractions
Missing Denominators - Find Original Fractions

Convert Percents in Fractions
Harder Fractions - Convert in Percents (Round off)
Harder Fractions - Convert in Percents (Round off)
Harder Fractions - Convert in Percents (Round off)
(Decimal) Percents - Convert into Fractions
(Decimal) Percents - Convert into Fractions
(Decimal) Percents - Convert into Fractions
(Decimal) Percents - Convert into Fractions
(Decimal) Percents - Convert into Fractions
Improper Fractions - Improper Fractions into Percents
Improper Fractions - Improper Fractions into Percents
Use Calculator - Fractions into Percents
Use Calculator - Fractions into Percents
Missing Numerators - Conversion into Fractions.
Missing Numerators - Conversion into Fractions.
Missing Denominators - Conversion into Fractions.
Missing Denominators - Conversion into Fractions.

Percents of Decimal Numbers
Percentage of Decimal - Calculate Percentage of Decimals
Percentage of Decimal - Calculate Percentage of Decimals
Percentage of Decimal - Calculate Percentage of Decimals
What Percent? - What Percent of Decimal?
What Percent? - What Percent of Decimal?
What Percent? - What Percent of Decimal?
Original Decimal - Given the Percentage and Percent
Original Decimal - Given the Percentage and Percent
Original Decimal - Given the Percentage and Percent
Decimal Method - Find Percentage use Decimal Method
Decimal Method - Find Percentage use Decimal Method

Convert Percents in Decimals
Decimals to Percents - Up to 4 Decimal Places
Decimals to Percents - Up to 4 Decimal Places
Decimals to Percents - Up to 4 Decimal Places
Percents to Decimals - Percents with Decimal Places
Percents to Decimals - Percents with Decimal Places
Percents to Decimals - Percents with Decimal Places
Compare Values - Compare Decimals and Percents
Compare Values - Compare Decimals and Percents
Compare Values - Compare Decimals and Percents

Increase/Decrease Calculations
Whole Numbers - Find Percentual Increase/Decrease
Whole Numbers - Find Percentual Increase/Decrease
Whole Numbers - Find Percentual Increase/Decrease
With Decimals - How much is the increase?
With Decimals - How much is the increase?
Money Units - Increase/Decrease of Currencies
Money Units - Increase/Decrease of Currencies
Word Problems - Percentage and Decimal Problems
Word Problems - Percentage and Decimal Problems

All our Grade 6 Math Topics

Our sixth grade math worksheets and math learning materials are free and printable in PDF format. Based on the math class 6 Singaporean math curriculum, these math exercises are made for students in grade level 6. However, also students in other grade levels can benefit from doing these math worksheets. Feel free to print them.

Our remedial or extra practice math content covers the topics in the primary math school curriculum of Singapore and contains math topics such as: (pre) algebra worksheets, speed and distance, fractions, BODMAS and PEMDAS worksheets and much more.

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